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You don't have access to a 3D printer, but want a cheap DSLR tracker?

I want to sell a printed, DIY assembly kit for around 120€ (incl. tax).

I have gotten amazing feedback, and i am working hard on getting the OpenAstroTracker ready for production! This will take some more time, but be sure to subscribe to the newsletter to get a email once i start selling.


Some specs:

Find your targets easily​

Unseen in DSLR mounts: integrated GoTo!

Target the whole sky

Full 180° movement in every direction

Long exposures

Tracking times comparable to commercial trackers are possible


If you are interested in buying the AstroTracker as a printed assembly kit for roughly the mentioned pricerange, please submit your email and get notified once I start selling!

You need to verify your email address, be sure to check your spam folder!

The Kit includes everything you need to build the OpenAstroTracker:

  • Arduino Mega + 16×2 LCD shield
  • 2x 28BYJ steppers + driver boards
  • OR 2x NEMA steppers plus cutting edge TMC2209 drivers
  • 7 bearings
  • Aluminum extrusions
  • Quick release camera clamp
  • Screws and nuts
  • bubble level
  • timing belt
  • Over 30 printed parts, with 50 hour print time